Oily, blemish-prone and acne-prone skin
Oily, blemish-prone and acne-prone skin
- Almost 6 million
Canadian people are affected by acne¹
- 3
teenagers out of 4 are affected²
- Among those over 25 years old
12% of women and 3% of men are affected²
1.Société française de dermatologie - https://dermato-info.fr/
2. Haute Autorité de santé - https://www.has-sante.fr/jcms/c_2574402/fr/acne-quand-et-comment-la-traiter
Oily skin, blackheads, pimples... Acne is a skin condition with many faces. It’s very common and mainly affects teenagers. But not just them...
Acne is a disease of the hair follicle, where the hair takes root. At its base are the sebaceous glands which secrete sebum, an oily fluid whose normal function is to protect the skin and which is constantly flowing. But in the case of acne, this well-oiled mechanism breaks down. The excessive secretion prevents the hair canal from flushing out the sebum. Bacterial growth is then promoted.
However common it may be, acne should not make us underestimate its impact on our quality of life and self-esteem. Why? Because it alters one’s body image at key moments in life and because it affects the face.
It is also the number one reason for dermatological visits in France. And rightly so: because even for mild symptoms, the intervention of a professional will prescribe the most suitable treatment for your situation, whether you simply have oily skin or are affected by severe acne.
Better understanding your condition in order to take care of yourself
Oily skin
A shiny appearance, dilated and visible pores, uneven skin texture... What makes skin oily is excess sebum, the causes of which are most often hormonal. This hypersecretion of sebum occurs in the areas where there are the most sebaceous glands (face, chest, back, etc.). The main complication of oily skin is the appearance of blackheads, microcysts or pimples. It therefore deserves all your attention and requires adapted care.
Living with acne
Living with acne starts with consulting your GP or dermatologist. They will be able to guide you and give you a personalised diagnosis. Then, adopt the right habits in terms of hygiene, diet, make-up and sun protection. They will help you feel better about yourself and gradually get rid of your acne.
Acne-prone skin
Acne is the most common complication of excess sebum. Acne-prone skin is skin that has a high propensity to develop blackheads and pimples. But things are not that simple:
- Because there is not "one" but "many" forms of acne;
- Because it can affect everyone, not just teenagers;
- Because there are several degrees of severity.
From the causes, to the care rituals to adopt to get rid of it, here is everything you need to know depending on the form of your acne.
Our solutions for blemish-prone and acne-prone oily skin
Eau Thermale Avène skincare products designed to reconcile you with your skin
Cleanance has expanded its product selection to become a dermo-cosmetic range for blemish-prone oily skin, offering a specific and complete solution for each stage of acne. Our mission is to give you lasting relief and restore your self-confidence.
Identify the needs of your sensitive, blemish-prone, acne-prone skin.
We’re always here for your skin!
All our tips for taking care of your skin day to day.
Which skin care routine should you adopt?
Identify what it really needs with the help of our experts and discover the most suitable skin care routine for you.