Psoriasis and eczema: spa treatments for children
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Psoriasis and eczema: spa treatments for children
Spa treatments are for children, too
What does a spa treatment do?
If your child suffers from eczema or psoriasis, a spa treatment may be the answer. The results are clear. Avène thermal spring water is soothing, and relieves itching. And this is the case from the very first treatment! Scores assessing the severity of attacks - such as the nature of the affected areas, intensity of the disease, itching and insomnia - see significant improvement. Your little one's quality of life will change radically: they will feel less need to scratch, and nights (for the both of you) will be more restful. And just as importantly, your child will be less afraid of being looked at and will be able to participate more in activities for their age.
The change is incredible! And that's just with water - nothing but pure water! I can hardly believe it!
How can spa treatments be adapted to children?
Don't worry. Our spas are completely child-friendly. And the doctors in our spas are categorical: treatments are recommended for even the youngest children, from 3 months! And your child won't get lost, as they must be accompanied by a family member. It's an opportunity for a shared experience lasting 3 weeks.
As well as classic care, our medical team will put together a tailored programme including educational workshops to enable you and your child to better understand their condition.
Another advantage: this time, for you! Attending treatments with your child is an excellent way out of feeling isolated. You’ll be able to meet other parents and discuss your feelings and problems, as well as share tips.
How does treatment work?
1. Classic care
Treatments include thermal spring water-based treatments. The daily programme will keep your child busy for 1.5 hours. It will consist of a maximum of 4 thermal treatments (baths for babies, showers, and localised sprays for the face, hands or scalp...)
2. Health education
Your child is the key player in their condition, so they need to understand it well. Regular medical check-ups, advice and workshops will help your child gain ownership over the condition.
For more information, visit
What results can I expect for my child?
The results are convincing. In the short term, during the three weeks of treatment, a reduction in symptoms and improvement in the healing of lesions can already be observed. In the longer term, the beneficial effects continue and are extended over the months that follow. Our Avène medical team has shown that quality of life is significantly improved in chronic dermatoses six months after treatment.
What to do when visiting the spa with your child
A spa stay with your child is something to prepare for.
Spa treatments can be prescribed by your doctor, paediatrician or dermatologist. They will fill in a request for reimbursement that you will need to send to your health insurance provider.
Then you can contact the spa, who will put you in touch with a doctor at the resort for your medical consultation on the first day of treatment.
And don't forget to book your accommodation.
Our solutions to soothe the littlest ones
Eau Thermale Avène skin care products designed to soothe the skin of infants and children
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